








「オープン神論」論者で最初に紹介するのは山崎先生が紹介している「グレグ・ボイド」の次くらいに名前が挙がる「クラーク・ピノック(Clark Pinnock CT追悼記事 1937-2010)」です。

「説教学」 という雑誌でピノックが「インタヴュー」を受けた記事です。

その中から一部、ETS (アメリカ福音主義神学会)での「論争」の経緯や背景について語っているところです。

HOMILETICS: You weren’t always an open theist. How did this change in direction come about for you?

PINNOCK: Well, I used to be a five-point Calvinist in the late ’60s and then I came to read Hebrews and noticed how it appears our relationship to God is conditional upon faith, so I was intrigued by the idea that God is conditioned by some of the things that creatures do.
The old view is that God is not conditioned by anything his creatures do because he has determined what they do. But if, in fact, God’s will is affected by what his creatures decide, then that calls for a personal theism, relational theism, open theism.
So in a way open theism goes right back to the early ’70s when I realized the weakness of deterministic thinking. And then over the years I wrote different things on the subject. Then John Sanders talked to me and we decided that since this is a view that some people know about, but not all, let’s present it in a clear way just for evangelicals so that they can see what we think.


HOMILETICS: Has this made a ripple on the mainline side, or is this a problem primarily for evangelicals?

PINNOCK: The Evangelical Theological Society is a peculiar group of very conservative evangelicals. But there are many who consider themselves evangelicals who don’t go to it who you would find in different sections of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature and who are positioned in the Wesleyan faith. So they see it correctly, namely, as a variant of their own position and worthy of consideration — which is all we want them to do. Like Randy Maddox [Professor of Wesleyan Theology, Seattle Pacific University], for example, a major interpreter of Wesley, who wrote a great book. He says that [John] Wesley might well have considered openness in full agreement with what he was getting at.
So there are evangelicals who are not ETS evangelicals. You almost need a new term. There are the ETS types who would go after me like that, but normal evangelicals who are outside that, they regard it just for what it is — a variant of Wesleyan-Arminian thinking. [Roger] Nicole, a five-point Calvinist, wants to emphasize how different our view is so they can isolate it as a heresy, because they don’t want to criticize all Wesleyan-Arminians although they don’t like their views.





※引用文中にあるRandy Maddoxは現在デューク大神学部で、「ウェスレヤン・メソジスト研究」の教授をしています。

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