
(5)ロバート・オルターと聖書翻訳 or バークリーとユダヤ教コミュニティー




それから遡ること17年、バークリーでは『レビ記』註解(アンカー)のジェイコブ・ミルグロム/Jacob Milgrom夫妻(奥さんの方はGTU)を中心にユダヤ教文化センター建設が始まっていた。

ロバート・オルター(Robert Alter)はその2年後、東海岸からバークリーにやってきて彼の「新しい」歴史のページが始まった。


このアラン・ジェイコブスの記事(First Tings、2005年8月号)では、聖書翻訳において「意味を置き換える様な翻訳が結果的に“説明的”になってしまう」翻訳の勘違いを紹介している。 
In criticizing the various “dynamic equivalence” models of translation, I lament what Robert Alter calls “the heresy of explanation””“the use of translation as a vehicle for explaining the Bible rather than representing it in another language, [which] in the most egregious instances . . . amounts to explaining away the Bible.”
But I guess I am, as a translator, what in constitutional law would be called an “originalist.” That is, I want to try to convey in English what I think were the actual values and mind-sets of the ancient Hebrew writers, which is also, in the poetry, inseparable from the concreteness of their language and the compactness and rhythmic force of the poetry they wrote.

Jews as well as Christians have imposed very postbiblical theologies and concepts on the Bible, but these have often been articulated in commentary far more often than in translation, because through the centuries most (not all) communities of Jews were not dependent on translations of the Hebrew. In the English-speaking world, the versions of the Bible we have had have certainly been suffused with Protestant theology, and, as an originalist, I have tried to scrape all that away.

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